
summer corn Learn more about summer corn

  • Corn planting technology: how to manage in the later stage of planting summer corn?

    Corn planting technology: how to manage in the later stage of planting summer corn?

    How to manage in the later stage of planting summer corn? Please introduce the management methods for the later stage management of planting summer corn can refer to the following methods: 1. Ensure moisture during the corn filling period: the rainy season in the later period of corn growth has basically passed, if drought directly affects corn filling, we must overcome the paralysis thought of relying on the weather and other rain. Grouting water.

  • The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    On July 13, the demonstration side of 200 mu double-season corn in Lianzhu Village, Lianzhu Town, Quzhou County, Hebei Province began to harvest. This is the earliest spring corn harvested in Hebei Province and even in North China. Director of double-cropping Maize experiment and demonstration Project and Professor of School of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University

    2016-01-10 Integrated technologically mature North China plain can grow double season corn season
  • How to fertilize summer corn

    How to fertilize summer corn

    How to fertilize summer corn? Please instruct farmers in some areas to finish harvesting winter wheat and immediately order summer corn. Farmers call this time the rush to harvest seeds in the three summer periods. Since it is a double grab, there is no time to turn over and prepare the land, and summer corn will not be fertilized. There are also some areas that are used before the wheat harvest.

  • Corn planting techniques: what factors will affect the yield of summer corn per mu?

    Corn planting techniques: what factors will affect the yield of summer corn per mu?

    What factors will affect the yield of summer corn per mu? Please give an introduction and solutions to affect the yield of summer corn mainly have the following points: first, corn planting density is unreasonable: too large planting density is a more prominent problem in the current summer corn production, such as some farmers planting "Nongda 108". Per 667 square meters.

  • How is summer corn sown? What should I pay attention to?

    How is summer corn sown? What should I pay attention to?

    How is summer corn sown? What should I pay attention to? Please guide summer corn to prepare for the following: First, seed treatment. Select fine varieties: Nongda 108, Nongda 86, Nongda 95, etc. for grain and feed; Zhengdan 958, Jingzao 13, Jidan 26, etc. for grain corn; Keduo 4, Keqing 1, etc. for silage corn.

  • How to fertilize summer corn?

    How to fertilize summer corn?

    How to fertilize summer corn? Please introduce the method that most summer corn uses no-tillage method. Generally, there are not many summer corn intercropped with base fertilizer, and seed fertilizer is seldom applied. Therefore, the nutrients needed for the growth and development of summer corn are mainly satisfied by topdressing, so topdressing plays a key role in the high yield of summer corn.

  • The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

  • How to fertilize corn in summer?

    How to fertilize corn in summer?

    How to fertilize corn in summer? Please introduce the method of summer corn planting and fertilization can refer to the following methods: first, avoid excessive fertilizer application. When some farmers grow summer corn, the amount of urea used is more than 50 kg per mu, which will lead to the decline of fertilizer utilization and corn quality, and will pollute the soil. Yes.

  • How to promote the early ripening of summer corn?

    How to promote the early ripening of summer corn?

    How to promote the early ripening of summer corn? Please introduce the methods to promote the early maturity of summer corn can use the following methods: 1. Foliar fertilization in the middle stage of corn growth, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus zinc, boron micro-fertilizer mixture can be sprayed to promote corn grain formation, improve stress resistance, and mature earlier. 2. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

  • The planting situation of corn in the whole country: the planting area of corn has decreased, and the quality and quality of corn have been greatly improved.

    The planting situation of corn in the whole country: the planting area of corn has decreased, and the quality and quality of corn have been greatly improved.

    Do you know the method of planting potted strawberry corn? Great changes have taken place in agricultural development this year and in previous years. This year, with the promotion of one-stop agricultural mechanization operation mode, the summer grain harvest has come to an end. During the summer planting period, the planting area of corn continues to be higher than in previous years.

    2019-06-25 Corn the whole country planting condition area decline quality and quality
  • Is there any way to make summer corn mature early?

    Is there any way to make summer corn mature early?

    Is there any way to make summer corn mature early? Please introduce the method so that the early ripening of summer corn can be carried out with reference to the following methods: 1. Foliar fertilization in the middle stage of corn growth, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus zinc and boron micro-fertilizer mixture can be sprayed to promote the formation of corn grains, improve stress resistance and mature early. 2. Prevention.

  • How to use chemical weeding to grow corn in summer?

    How to use chemical weeding to grow corn in summer?

    How to use chemical weeding to grow corn in summer? Please refer to the following methods for weeding when planting corn in summer: first, according to the investigation of the county plant protection station, the main weeds in summer corn fields in our county are: field spiral flower, sophora officinalis, Rhizoma Scutellariae, Fructus Scutellariae, Portulaca oleracea, Setaria angustifolia, Scutellaria przewalskii, etc. ...

  • When will summer corn be sown?

    When will summer corn be sown?

    The best time to sow summer corn is in mid-June every year. It is necessary to apply basic fertilizer before sowing and to do a good job of checking seedlings and filling gaps after sowing. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of corn borer. When sowing summer corn, we should pay attention to: 1. Selection and soaking of seeds with strong drought tolerance

    2020-11-09 Summer corn summer corn when sowing summer
  • How to determine the sowing date of summer corn?

    How to determine the sowing date of summer corn?

    How to determine the sowing date of summer corn? Please give guidance as the growth period of corn available in summer corn area is limited, in order to strive for enough heat to make corn fully mature, harvest in time, obtain higher yield, and not miss the normal sowing of wheat in the following crop, so the sowing time of summer sowing corn is required as early as possible. That is, Dongxiao.

  • Corn planting techniques: which methods can make summer corn high yield?

    Corn planting techniques: which methods can make summer corn high yield?

    What methods can make summer corn high-yielding? Please give guidance for planting summer corn if you want to obtain high yield, you can refer to the following techniques: first, select corn seeds: spread the corn seeds evenly and sun for two days before sowing, and then remove small grains, blighted grains, broken grains and mildew grains, which is the basis for cultivating strong seedlings. Second, single grain point.

  • How do corn use herbicides in summer?

    How do corn use herbicides in summer?

    How do corn use herbicides in summer? Please guide us to introduce that the growth period of summer corn is from June to September, which coincides with the high temperature and rainy season, which is conducive to the occurrence of weeds in the field. Once the appropriate period of control is missed, it is very easy to form grass famine and seriously affect the growth of maize. Chemical weeding is to control the harm of weeds in corn field and increase the yield of corn.

  • How to fertilize corn in summer?

    How to fertilize corn in summer?

    How to fertilize corn in summer? Please guide summer corn to be fertilized as follows: adequate base fertilizer: the growth period of summer corn is relatively short. According to the conditions of fertilizer sources, more mature organic fertilizer should be applied as much as possible, combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Timely and appropriate amount of topdressing: corn needs more fertilizer, base fertilizer alone can not be full.

  • What about the twisted heart leaves of corn? how to control the long tail of summer corn?

    What about the twisted heart leaves of corn? how to control the long tail of summer corn?

    What about the twisted heart leaves of corn? how to control the long tail of summer corn?

  • Corn planting techniques: what are the methods of promoting summer corn ripening?

    Corn planting techniques: what are the methods of promoting summer corn ripening?

    What are the methods to promote the ripening of summer corn? Please introduce that the ripening promotion of summer corn can be carried out by the following methods: 1. Peeling the bracts and drying the ears: when the corn begins to harden in the middle stage of wax ripening, the bracts of the corn are gently peeled off one by one, so that all the grains are exposed and let the sun shine directly. In general, peeling and drying for 15-20.

  • How to top up corn in summer?

    How to top up corn in summer?

    How to top up corn in summer? Please introduce that corn is a high-yield crop, which requires a large amount of fertilizer. Scientific fertilization is necessary to meet the nutrient needs of corn in the whole growth period, and to achieve the goal of high quality and high yield. In recent years, due to the large-scale popularization of hard stubble sowing technology, the use area and use of summer corn base fertilizer.
